
怎么樣《群星》更新民間中文 卻因奇葩翻譯僅三天就下

時(shí)間:2018-06-29 18:46來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 作者:珠海翻譯公司 點(diǎn)擊:

         guardian.2026.b:0 "Make it a trophy for all to see."

  民間漢化:guardian.2028.desc:0 "太陽如今比以前不知道和煦到哪里去啦。"



  英國原版:guardian.2026.a:0 "Study the corpse."

  民間漢化:guardian.2000.a:0 "壞事了,小子"

  英國原版:guardian.2028.alt.desc:0 "The project has paid off, but at a cost. Submerging the stellar devourer into [guardians_stellarite_home_system.GetName](s star has caused the solar furnace to shine a bit brighter, but also to spew out solar flares that engulfed the [Root.GetName] and its crew in a roaring inferno. There were no survivors.\nThe **ets in the system are heating up, reaching temperature levels closer to their original form."

        guardian.2026.b:0 "你丫已經(jīng)死到臨頭了"

  貼吧漢化:guardian.2028.desc:0 "方案勝利了!將噬星者的尸骸重新投入到[guardians_stellarite_home_system.GetName]星系的太陽中使這顆星爐重新燃起了熊熊之火。星系中的星球正在回暖,逐漸恢復(fù)到它們以前的樣子,專業(yè)翻譯機(jī)構(gòu),甚至生態(tài)系統(tǒng)也末尾恢復(fù)。這其中有一顆本來被冰封的星球,在冰層融化后透出一個(gè)充滿宿愿的蓋亞世界,而它正預(yù)備迎接咱們的到來。"



  貼吧漢化:guardian.2026.a:0 "鉆研尸體。"
        guardian.2026.b:0 "把它做成紀(jì)念物讓一切人都看到。"

  英國原版:"From deep within the star of the [stellarite_system.GetName] system emerges a gargantuan being, larger than a typical moon. Its body radiates heat, the same wavelength of energy as the one produced by the system(s star...\n\nIt(s §Yeating§! it!\n\nThe creature feasts on sun spots, devours solar flares, and we have interrupted its meal. The beast exudes light waves, rapid pulses at an intense frequency. Like a fluorescent roar."

